
Video article (experimental methods in video format):

The videos primarily focus on demonstrating new methods or devices, presenting them in a step-by-step manner. They are composed in two sections: I. manuscript: it should be prepared as follows: An Unstructured/structured Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods or Protocol, Results, Discussion, References, Legend for figures/Tables, Tables/figures, and list of additional files. II. Video article: Each video should be started with a title page (title of the manuscript, the authors, and their affiliations). The video must have introduction, and main part sections. It should have a human voice describing the on-screen visuals. Acceptable file formats are MP4, AVI, MOV, MPG, and MKV and total time of the video should be less than 15 min. Please see the first published video article in Pharmaceutical Sciences: https://ps.tbzmed.ac.ir/Article/ps-40027

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