Pharm Sci. 2023;29(4): 448-458. doi: 10.34172/PS.2023.11

Research Article

Cytotoxic Activity of Indonesian Pogonatum neesii Dozy from Cibodas Botanical Garden: In Silico Molecular Docking and In Vitro Evaluation

Rizky Nurdiansyah 1 ORCID, Agus Budiawan Naro Putra 2 ORCID, Ainun Nadhifah 3 ORCID, Erika Chriscensia 4 ORCID, Ulung Khoe Gondo Kusumo 4, Stephanie Angela Yosiano 5, Anastasia Beatrix Musung 6, Sintikhe A Wenas 6, Steve Makalew 6, Patricia Lovina 4, Intani Quarta Lailaty 7, Fransisca Aurelia Rahmad 8, Fandi Sutanto 4 ORCID, Pietradewi Hartrianti 4 * ORCID

Cited by CrossRef: 1

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