Pharm Sci. 2015;21(4): 229-243.
doi: 10.15171/PS.2015.42

Scopus ID: 84954491952
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Pre-Concentration Approaches Combined with Capillary Electrophoresis in Bioanalysis of Chiral Cardiovascular Drugs

Samin Hamidi 1, Abolghasem Jouyban 2*

1 Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University o f Medical Sciences, Tabriz , Iran
2 Pharmacutical Analysis Research Center and Faculty of Pharmacy, Tabriz University o f Medical Sciences, Tabriz , Iran
*Corresponding Author: Email: ajouyban@hotmail.com


Currently, there is a remarkable interest in the separation and quantification of enantiomeric compounds because of their importance in biochemistry, therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), pharmaceutical, forensic, etc. In past decades the pharmacopoeia was governed by racemates, but nowadays the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) exclusively has been issued a statement that racemic new drugs could not be marketed unless they are thoroughly investigated of the pharmacologic and toxicological properties of pure enantiomers. Demands for accurate and precise analytical method for separation and determination of drugs enantiomers and their metabolites in biological fluids are highlighted. Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) is an interesting technique that shows promise for the resolution of enantiomers. This is carried out by adding suitable chiral selector to the background electrolyte results to enantioseparation. According to WHO organization report, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) rank the leading cause of death, globally. Therefore the related risk factors addressing CVDs should be considered and diagnose to prevent the disease. This article provides a brief review on applying off-line and on-line sample preconcentration methods for enhancing the detection limit of cardiovascular drugs.
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Submitted: 08 Aug 2015
Accepted: 30 Aug 2015
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