Pharm Sci. 2015;21(1): 25-29. doi: 10.15171/PS.2015.13

Original Research

Drug Utilization Evaluation of Vancomycin in a Teaching Hospital in Tabriz-Iran

Hadi Hamishehkar 1, Davoud Ebrahimi 2, Ata Mahmoodpoor 3, Siminozar Mashayekhi 4, Parina Asgharian 5, Haleh Rezaee 6 *

Cited by CrossRef: 3

1- Gashaw T, Sisay M, Tesfa T, Baye Y, Amare F. Amoxicillin Utilization Pattern at Governmental Hospitals in Eastern Ethiopia. IDR. 2021;Volume 14:193 [Crossref]
2- Sisay M, Gashaw T, Amare F, Tesfa T, Baye Y.

Hospital-Level Antibacterial Prescribing and Its Completeness in Ethiopia: Did It Adhere to Good Prescribing Practice?

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3- Jambo A, Edessa D, Adem F, Gashaw T. Appropriateness of antimicrobial selection for treatment of pneumonia in selected public hospitals of Eastern Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study. SAGE Open Medicine. 2023;11 [Crossref]

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